Monday, May 28, 2007

Taxi Closes Highway

ER24 Emergency Services were called this morning to assist with a serious taxi accident where a taxi overturned and laid accross the M1 highway at the Grayston Bridge.

According to bystanders on scene, the taxi was travelling from Ivory Park towards Illovo (where most of the occupants work) when it suddenly overturned.
Passengers explained that they heard a loud bang just before the taxi started to roll. It appears that the left rear wheel burst and caused the taxi to overturn.

It is not clear in what condition the tyre was before the accident occurred. The taxi veered into the middle barrier and landed onto its roof ripping some of the doors open. Passengers were thrown from the taxi to the side of the highway as the taxi moved along the highway and ended up obstructing most of the traffic travelling towards town.

Paramedics from ER24, Netcare and Provincial Emergency Services joined forces to help the seriously injured. Patients were shocked and horrified after this accident. 15 patients (including the driver) were treated on scene and trasnported to various hospitals in the area.
Most of the patients sustained fractures, lacerations and other serious injuries. Metro Police and Sandton Fire Department secured the scene to ensure safety of rescue workers and patients.

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