Thursday, March 20, 2008

Three Saved by Tree

Three people were lucky to escape with only minor injuries after their car landed in a life saving tree.

Paramedics that arrived on the scene found the red VW Polo wedged between the branches of the tree meters from a somewhat 20 meter drop.

All of the occupants were outside the vehicle when paramedics arrived on the scene. A lady sustained minor cuts on one of her hands and two gentlemen sustained minor injuries.

The driver of the car explained that the car skidded out of control in the bend between Smit Street and Jan Smuts Drive on the M1 highway. The vehicle then collided with the side barrier and flipped into the tree preventing it from falling down the embankment.

All three of the occupants could have sustained serious injuries if the car fell down the embankment. No other vehicles were involved in this accident.

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