Sunday, March 25, 2007

Mercedez plunges into river

Yesterday afternoon the driver of a Mercedes allegedly lost control whilst traveling on Homestead near Main Road in Edenvale. The Mercedes plunged through a palisade fence on the side of the road and fell several metres down an embankment.

The car came to a standstill against one of the bridge pillars in the river.

Paramedics arrived on scene and found a rather confused man on top of the embankment. The driver - believed to be in his 30's - climbed up the embankment and waited for paramedics on the top. Fortunately he only sustained minor injuries to his left arm and a minor headache.

Due to the severe mechanism of the accident, paramedics immobilised the patient on scene and transported him to the Bedford Gardens Clinic.

According to the man, he was driving on the road when he lost control over the vehicle on the wet road. There were no other vehicles involved.

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